Teaching & Learning Corner announces RISE IV Completions

Congratulations goes to the following 17 individuals for recently completing RISE: Reframing Education for Success, Cohort IV. This teaching and learning skills development workshop was created by Clarkson’s Teaching & Learning Corner early in 2020 as part of an initiative to support faculty across the institution in their endeavor to teach online or remotely.

We recognize all 197 members of the Clarkson faculty who have earned RISE completion certificates over these past several months. RISE workshop participants engage to produce: 

  • courses with measurable objectives and high quality, complete syllabi
  • faculty discussions on high quality feedback & Zoom best practices
  • plans for active learning
  • authentic assessments
  • OER website reviews
  • new instructional tool explorations, including FlipGrid

The RISE credential is issued to each participant’s personnel record in Peoplesoft HR and is viewable to them at the Clarkson Training tile in their myCU HR dashboard. Participants have earlier received notice of their completion, along with digital certificates via Moodle.

The TLC again thanks its partners from the Library, Office of Accessibility, Academic Integrity Committee, and the Provost’s Office for their contributions and support of this successful initiative. We look forward to continuing our work to bring professional development opportunities to Clarkson faculty for advancement of instructional experiences at Clarkson. 

Future RISE: Program directors and instructors interested in future offerings of RISE should contact Laura Perry, lperry@clarkson.edu. Customized programming designed to meet individual development goals is available.

For more about Teaching & Learning Corner, RISE and additional faculty development resources.

We congratulate the following individuals who successfully completed RISE Cohort IV:

Beacon Institute for Rivers & Estuaries

Jon Brink

Megan Diehl

Earl R. and Barbara D. Lewis School of Health Sciences

Kwadwo Osei Appiah-Kubi

David D. Reh School of Business

Alison Mackey

Carl Strang

Dennis Yu

School of Arts and Sciences

Julie Davis

Camille Frazier

Ginger Hunter

Tom Langen

Jonathan Martin

Artem Melman

Galina Melman

Kanaththa Priyankara

The Center for Advanced Materials Processing (CAMP)

Devon Shipp

Wallace H. Coulter School of Engineering

Gina Craan

George Kansas

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