COVID-19 Read: Weekend Case & Quarantine Update

In this communication: 

  • Positive Case & Quarantine Update
  • Vaccine Wait List

Golden Knights,

Positive Case & Quarantine Update:  Our University Care Team Members are currently supporting 13 students who have an active COVID-19 case.  Two additional students reported positive test results today.  The Care Team is also supporting 80 students in public health mandated quarantines on and off campus.  

Vaccine Wait List: If you are waiting for a NYS eligibility category to open up to make an appointment, St. Lawrence County has a contact list for persons to be called when there are unused vaccinations for a clinic or pod in our immediate region.  Enter your data here:   The Mass Vaccination Site at SUNY Potsdam was also featured this week in USA Today for its efficacy – it has surpassed 50,000 doses administered.  

Please keep following the protocols that keep everyone safe and healthy. 

Out of your vulnerabilities will come your strength. – Sigmund Freud

If you have any questions about this communication, please contact (employees), (students) and/or me. 

Kelly Chezum ‘04
VP for External Relations
Restart/Rebuild Communications Lead 

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