Fitness Class Title– “BODY BLAST”
Day/ Time/Duration: Tue & Thurs, 11:10-11:50am, 5 weeks
Body Blast Location: Back room of Deneka Fitness Center
Instructor: Kelly Norman, over 20 years of class and coaching experience
What to expect: BODY BLAST is a strength-based kettlebell workout that includes a generous warm-up and yoga-infused cool-down, between 30 minutes of fun, yet effective exercises for every fitness level, with gradual progressions; achieving a maximum workout in a short amount of time.
Requirements: Please bring a change of athletic shoes, water and a towel to class. Locker rooms and showers are open. Masks required for non-vaccinated participants.
Start date: Thursday, July 29th
Class Capacity: 18
Investment in yourself: $79, payment due upon registration. To register please go to this link: Body Blast Class Registration (there are some issues with the website, if you get an error message, keep trying).