Assistant Professor of Biology, Stefanie Kring, will participate in the 2021 Biology and Mathematics Educators (BIOME) Institute during the summer and fall of 2021. BIOME 2021 is sponsored by Quantitative Undergraduate Biology Education and Synthesis (QUBES), and the BioQUEST Consortium. The conference will include several keynote speakers, interactive workshops, and opportunities for networking among the quantitative biology community. The title of this year’s BIOME Institute is “From Pieces to Patterns: Building a Scientific Worldview”. Faculty from across the country will meet and share practices for creating a greater worldview in their classrooms, and share experiences creating more inclusive learning spaces.

The institute includes a summer session that features workshops and presentations, and continue into the fall semester where faculty working groups will meet on a bi-weekly basis. Workshops will focus on topics of integrating social and environmental justice issues in the field of environmental science and teaching scientific concepts and quantitative reasoning with environmental data-driven inquiry.
“I am looking forward to participating in BIOME 2021. The opportunity to interact with faculty from across the country, and share ideas and strategies on inclusivity and quantitative biology, is invaluable.” Kring said. Clarkson Biology Chair Michael Twiss states “Dr. Kring’s participation in QUBES helps Clarkson Biology meet its strategic mission. As teachers of Biology, our goal is to convey a deep understanding of the natural world and the workings of life to our students. We aim to help students learn through instructor-guided mastery of information and also by teaching them to be independent thinkers. The QUBES program helps our faculty provide the necessary training for helping our students prepare for meaningful careers in a changing world. We are all proud that Dr. Kring was selected to participate.”
For more information on the Institute go to: