The Writing Center Soft Opening

The Writing Center is offering a limited number of student appointments between 11 and 3 most days through Sept 10th. We can work on grad school applications, personal statements and resumes or anything else. You can come physically to the center or meet through zoom. Don’t forget Career Fair on the 13th and 14th.
Students who are new to the Potsdam campus are welcome to drop in just to check us out. We are in Snell 139, in the dark corridor at the foot of the stairs in the Snell atrium.  We will have a brightly lit, festive opening in mid-September.

To make an appointment go to our google appointment calendar at

Appointments are 30 minutes long with a real reader. You should always take high stakes writing for a test drive with a real reader.  Spending the time with a real reader usually saves you a lot of time that you would have to spend contemplating and re-writing!

The Writing Center also has a website at We keep adding information, how-tos and links to helpful sites. There is information on grammar, punctuation and citation format as well as on writing personal statements, essays, proposals and many other types of writing.

Check us out!

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