Third Thursday, TOMORROW, Nov. 18–Looking for Makers in the Clarkson Community!

The Chief Inclusion Office and Clarkson Ignite are co-hosting Third Thursday Coffee on November 18th from 7 am until 11 am in the ERC Atrium. We would like to highlight the talent of our Makers at this event. We are asking for individuals to bring in items they have made and display them in the ERC Atrium. For example, do you make things out of wood, metal or fabric?  Do you create stained glass, turn bowls, sew quilts or clothes, make jewelry, weave baskets, beads, or photos of cars you’ve restored or modified? We encourage you to share your talents and skills with us!

We will have tables to display the making talents of our colleagues around the Atrium and highlight the maker and their skills.

We will ask makers to drop off the work by Wednesday, November 17th at the Chief Inclusion Office Conference Room and pick it up either Thursday after the event or Friday before noon.

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