Faculty Workshop – Use Sustainable Development Goals in your classes

SDG Blitz – Workshop on the integration of SDGs in your courses and curriculaFeb 24, 10-11:30am, Snell Petersen Board Room or Zoom (in person suggested if possible)Sustainability in All We Do – this operating principle of the strategic framework promotes the integration of sustainability concepts across all of our curricula. Let’s graduate students with the capacity and attitudes necessary to tackle our world’s wicked problems.   
Please join us for the hybrid zoom/in-person workshop for an intro presentation about the SDGs in higher ed, hear from your peers, and workshop time to work with your colleagues.  By attending this workshop you will…* understand the value for integrating SDGs into our courses and curricula to prepare our students for their future
* identify the alignment of SDGs with what you currently teach and opportunities for new or modified classes (there will be a call for proposals for small faculty development grants)* gain access to resources for SDG in your classes and stated learning objectives* build your network of like-minded colleagues from across campus* become a leader in your department to support this initiativePLEASE share your interest in attending through this very short google form
This workshop is a part of a broader BLITZ to identify all classes and scholarship that are aligned with the SDGs. A BLITZ is a “a rapid, energetic, and concerted effort, typically on a specific task.” This means that we need a lot of people engaged in a short time. 
In addition to the Feb 24 workshop, we are also recruiting volunteers to conduct short interviews with instructors to learn how they integrate sustainability in their classes  and scholarly work. 
GOAL – Identify all classes and scholarship with sustainability content during the week of Feb. 28
Volunteer commitment – attend a 30 min training session, commit to 5-10 min interviews with 8-10 instructors, complete a google form for each interview.
The ZOOM training session will be repeated three times Feb 28 (12:30 or 5pm) and Mar 1 (12:00). It will include an introduction to the SDGs, the interview and information recording process, and time for a practice interview.

PLEASE share your interest in volunteering through this very short google form

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