Prof. Paul Cummins Will Be Panelist on Upcoming Webinar

Prof. Paul Cummins of the Bioethics Department will be a panelist in an upcoming webinar entitled “Conscience, Vaccines, and the Obligations of Community.”  The webinar a part of The COVID Ethics Series and will take place at 3:00 on Thursday, is free and open to the public. 

The COVID-19 pandemic has raised and intensified ethical questions about the relationship between individuals and communities. In Conscience, Vaccines, and the Obligations of Community, a panel of experts discusses respect for individual conscience and decision making and how to balance this with the health needs of communities. Considerations of conscientious objection, vaccine hesitancy, and the role of philosophical and religious concerns in requesting exemptions are to be discussed. In this episode, Bryan Pilkington speaks with a multi-disciplinary panel about the importance of conscience and how it has played out in the time of COVID. Panelists, including Jason Eberl (Saint Louis University), Paul Cummins (Clarkson University), and Kirk Johnson (Montclair State University), will discuss the role of conscience from their disciplines.

Time Feb 10, 2022 03:00 PM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Registration Link

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