Telephone Replacement Project Underway

The Office of Information Technology is preparing to replace Mitel telephones on the Potsdam campus. The replacement project comes as the current telephones are now more than 15 years old and are no longer supported for service or replacement by the manufacturer. New telephones are anticipated to be installed in the Summer 2022.

To manage costs responsibly, OIT conducted an audit which revealed a number of these telephones that appear to be used on a very infrequent basis (fewer than two calls per month).  To be a responsible user of campus resources, we hope to eliminate these infrequently used telephones instead of replacing them. But, we also do not want to remove any phones that are still needed.  

We will soon begin reaching out individually to owners of these infrequently used telephones. If you receive an email and you still have an active need to continue using the telephone that has been identified, please reach out to the IT HelpDesk ( to let us know.     


Office of Information Technology HelpDesk 315-268-HELP (x4357) or

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