Spraying Campus Against Spongy Moths

The spongy moth is a non-native insect from France that attacks a large variety of trees such as oak, maple, apple, etc.  It has been determined by University groups (Tree Committee, Sustainability, Facilities/Grounds and Environmental Health & Safety) along with the input of the DEC, that it is necessary for us to counter the attack brought on by an infestation of spongy (gypsy) moths.  The campus has been surveyed for egg masses and the conclusion is that there is a significant risk of severe defoliation on parts of campus indicated in green on the diagram.  For more information on spongy moths please go to https://www.dec.ny.gov/animals/83118.html.

Now for the treatment.  The University has engaged the services of Duflo Spray Chemical Co Inc, to spray areas of concern on campus, areas heavily treed, using Organic BTk which will be applied at 96 ounces per acre rate in droplets 50-75 microns in size.  This product is a biological agent, not chemical, and must be digested by the caterpillar to be effective.  For more information on the product: https://www.mda.state.mn.us/plants/pestmanagement/gmunit/gmtreatments/treatmentfaqs

Application by plane will take place early in the morning (dawn) before most faculty and staff arrive and when humidity levels are still high.   Application is planned for the next couple of weeks, but is weather dependent.  We will not know the exact date until the contractor gives us notice.

Though there is no harm to humans, animals or other insects, please plan to stay inside when the plane is spraying if you happen to be on campus at the time.

·         Stay in your vehicle or building for 5-10 minutes after flyover.

·         Product dries on surfaces within minutes.

·         Product may leave a harmless residue on hard surfaces which will wash off.

·         Application will be targeted over vegetation on campus, not parking lots or buildings.

·         Product is proven safe for humans, pets, birds, fish, livestock and other insects such as bees.

·         Product is registered by the EPA for this use.

Please email facilities@clarkson.edu if you have any questions.

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