Factors in Municipal Planning Systems Participation: FR 7/22 830 AM

What Drives Participation in Sustainable Holistic Planning Systems?

Thesis Defense – Ben Buck, Candidate for MS in Environmental Policy, Clarkson University

Fri Aug. 22, 830 AM

Snell 177 (Clarkson Snell Hall) and on Zoom: https://clarkson.zoom.us/j/93237223894?pwd=dG5yTHJBZnBpbDR4c01TNEdrZWxLdz09.


Coordinated climate action at the community level is one of the many strategies needed to mitigate and adapt to global warming and engage in more sustainable planning outcomes. At this meso-scale of society, competing concerns for energy, food security, water quality, ecological impacts, greenhouse gas emissions, and human development must be reconciled as part of a transition away from unsustainable patterns of human development. Sustainable Holistic Planning Systems (SHPS’) provide incentives and guidance for local and regional climate and sustainability planning through goal setting, progress reporting, and performance measurement processes.

However, not all communities may be willing or able to participate in SHPS. Questions of capacity and choice are central to the debate concerning limited SHPS engagement and institutionalization, particularly in rural regions. Using a combination of exploratory geospatial, statistical, and regression modeling methods, this research investigates patterns of participation in two SHPS in New York State: Climate Smart Communities, and Clean Energy Communities. This research identifies a variety of factors associated with increased SHPS participation, including municipality size, educational attainment, ideological characteristics, and economic status. Understanding the factors associated with community participation in SHPS can help policymakers and non-governmental organizations craft more effective and accessible SHPS programs for success in sustainable transitions.

Committee: Professors Stephen Bird, Bebonchu Atems, Erik Backus, Courtney Johnson-Woods

Contact: Stephen Bird, sbird@clarkson.edu.

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