LateX workshop for Graduate Students

Dear Graduate Students,

Do you spend hours when you format your thesis or when you format your
publications? LateX is a great tool that everyone should make use of to achieve
their writing goals. LaTeX encourages authors not to worry too much about the appearance of their documents but to concentrate on getting the right content.

CUGSA is organizing a LateX workshop with collaboration of a wonderful
professor in the Math department who is going to help to get things
done. This workshop is scheduled to take place on November 2 nd 2022,
in Snell 241 Computer lab from 2 PM – 5 PM.

Workshop will consist of learning how to use Latex, and then to apply it to our everyday writing goals. However the spots are limited and we will close the form once we hit our targeted participants. So Make sure to RSVP! 

Link to register 👇 

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