Career Center Newsletter

Dear Faculty and Staff, 

Check out our March/April Career Center Newsletter. This bi-monthly newsletter has information on resources, articles and important upcoming events. We hope you will enjoy learning and seeing what we are up to. Questions contact Heather DiFino (, 315-268-6477.

Career Corner

Faculty & Staff Newsletter

Issue 5 March | April 2023

Career Fair Recap

The Spring Career Fair took place this past February 7th & 8th and was a great success! With over 140 employers on site and another 40 attending virtually, we had record numbers in attendance for this fair. In addition, Interview Day boasted over 260 student interviews with almost 30 unique employers staying the extra day. This year we also added in a new event, our Etiquette Dinner which hosted almost 30 participants. Students got the chance to learn proper dining etiquette on the spot while enjoying a three course meal alongside alum, corporate partners and staff. We look forward to growing this event in the future!

With all the career events that have recently taken place we would like to take a moment to share our gratitude to all those that helped to make these events so successful. From those behind the scenes, to our students who turned out in crowds to network with our valued corporate partners, thank you for valuing our students future journeys. We look forward to hearing success stories from our students and employers in the weeks to come. 

As we take a momentary break from our large scale programming for the spring, be sure to check out our smaller programs taking place throughout the remainder of the semester. As always, feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns and we look forward to bringing you more information on the Fall 2023 fair in the coming months!

Career Center Hours

Monday-Friday 8am- 4:30pm

Spring Drop In Hours: Tuesday & Thursday 11am-1pm & Wednesday 1pm-3pm


Students can schedule appointments through Handshake

Web Resources

Students have access to multiple resources on our website 24/7!

Upcoming Events and Happenings

March 7th: Career Center Pop-up: Resources for Diverse Student Populations: 12:00pm -2:00pm CIC Lobby/Alumni Gateway

March 22nd: How do you Stack Up? Sandwiches and Skills Workshop: 12:00pm-1:00pm CIC Conference Rm (ERC 2400)

March 26th: Senior Boot camp: 1:00-4:00pm MPR’s

April 5th: Co-op Mixer and Panel: Check Handshake for event details!

April 12th: Imposter Syndrome Workshop : 12:00pm-1:00pm CIC Conference Rm (ERC 2400)

April 24th-27th:  Senior Good Luck Giveaways!: 11:00am-2:00pm Various locations around campus, check Handshake for more information!

Career Chats Podcast

Check out the upcoming schedule of Career Center Podcasts. Bi- Weekly Fridays at 11am on WTSC The Source, 91.1FM


Exploring your Career Journey- January 23rd

What it is really like to get hands on experience- February 6th

Failure of Success and the Success of Failure- February 20th

Hiring Best Practices from an HR Professional- March 6th

Salary Negotiations, know your worth- March 20th

When your degree doesn’t match your career- April 3rd

The Entrepreneurial career path- April 17th

Life after CU, a look back at what helped you most- May 1st

Career Bites

37%- Percentage of employers who screen candidates by GPA. (Job Outlook 2023)

12- Average number of days from job offer to acceptance. (2022 Recruiting Benchmarks Report)

16.1%-Median percent of entry-level professionals hires who are new college graduates. (2022 Recruiting Benchmarks Report)

51.8%-Average percent of eligible interns converted to FTE. (2022 Internship & Co-op Survey Report)

The First Destination Survey (The FDS)

The First Destination Survey and Report (also known as the FDS) provides data on where Clarkson graduates land after college. Using standards outlined by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), The Career Center gathers this information annually, and provides the aggregate results to the campus community. The report shares:

  • Success Rate
  • Employment Rate
  • Continuing Education Rate
  • Volunteer Service Rate
  • Military Service Rate

It also provides information on average salary ranges, the top employers/organizations, graduate programs, professional experiences, and geographic locations for recent graduates.

The survey is done across the Nation by participating colleges. It take only a few minutes to complete by graduating or recently graduated Seniors. Answers are anonymous and all data reported externally is shared as aggregate numbers, either as counts or averages. Identifying information is not provided or shared. 

While this is a brief overview of the survey, the importance can be felt across campus. The data from the survey is used to tell the story of a Clarkson education, which is a factor in the reputation of the University and ultimately contributes to the value of a Clarkson University degree. In addition, it helps with world reports and rankings for the institution, and provides a repository for bragging rights for the amazing opportunities and career journeys our students embark on after Clarkson.

The survey will open Early April for upcoming May Graduates and stay open for 6 months post graduation. We highly encourage students who have solidified an opportunity post Clarkson to fill it out. If students are still exploring, they have those 6 months to still access the survey once they have solidified their next steps. 

Students can find the survey in Handshake under Surveys when it launches or around campus via the QR code. Or they can contact our office with any questions.

Thank you for your support. Want to see pas reports? Check out our FDS page here!

Resource Alert

What Can I Do With This Major is an online platform that host multiple majors and career paths. It shares which industry majors lead into as well as helpful tips on how to get there while still at Clarkson to try. Students can review multiple major and minor areas to help them map where they can lead to based on their own interests. This site can be found on our website as well as under the resource section on Handshake.  Interested in learning more about how your department can access this? Reach out to learn more!

Big Interview is a software that provides students with the ability to practice interviewing in the comfort of their own homes! Big Interview is a comprehensive video curriculum leading students through every step of the interview process. They can choose their own course of study or select a specific curriculum track. 

It educates and prepares students with practice question from hundreds of industries and competencies across all experience levels, complete with insider insights and sample answers crafted by interview experts. Students can find this resource on our website as well as under the resource section on Handshake. Interested in using this for an assignment? Reach out to learn more!

My Next Move by O*Net Interest Profiler can help you find out what your interests are and how they relate to the world of work. You can find out what you like to do as well as it can help you decide what kinds of careers you might want to explore.

O*NET OnLine has detailed descriptions of the world of work for use by job seekers, workforce development and HR professionals, students, developers, researchers, and more! Find, search, or browse across 900+ occupations based on your goals and needs. Then use comprehensive reports to learn about requirements, characteristics, and available opportunities for your selected occupation. This site can be found on our website as well as under the resource section on Handshake

EVENTS CALENDAR Interested in learning more about our upcoming offerings and happenings? Check out our NEW Calendar of Events! 

Students can see what is happening daily as well as add it to their calendars as reminders. We hope you will take a moment to explore our events and share them with your students. This site can be found on our website

Discovery Sessions… The Lost Art of Learning to Learn

In the fast paced day to day grind that our students find themselves sprinting to keep up with, the Career office is working on ways to encourage mindfulness around careers. Through our intentional programming, we have re-assessed and found a way to better engage with our over worked students. 

Through our passive monthly class emails, our office uses this platform to share developmental education, resources and information on events such as workshops and Discovery Session. Formally known as Information sessions, we have shifted the lens to slow down the pace and allow for dialogue, questions and self-learning to take place.

Discovery sessions are a chance for a student to learn more than just a company looking to fill a role. It is a chance for exchange to take place that sparks questions about the world of work, oneself and ones role in the world of work. By hosting employers on campus to share more about their company values, mission, work life balance, and impact on the world, students gain a more holistic picture about the world of work. Which is a stark contrast to the hustle and bustle of just apply and accept they often lead with in their career searches. By slowing down this conversation, students can engage in learning to understand the world of work and themselves. 

The pressure to secure employment after college is felt before event applying to college. It is our hope that with these types of events, we can help our students learn more about themselves, their interests, their values and their future impact on the world, by taking the time to understand and learn more about a company in a different way. Discovery sessions for the Spring Semester can be found on our website here.

Let us come to you!

Our team is available to present workshops for your class or student group. So take advantage of our Don’t Cancel Class campaign, and have us join your class to help prepare them for their career journey. We are also available for Faculty and Department meetings and workshops. We would be happy to share industry trends, happenings or resources with your team. Interested? Reach out to us at

Student Success Stories

“The student arrived in Medellin Colombia earlier this month and is settled in interning at a nonprofit organization focused on child services. The feedback from the host organization thus far has shared with us that “Everything’s going great with the intern, he has adapted really well to the activities.” He is also getting on well with the other interns whom he met at the welcome mixer, and they are getting ready for a day trip to Guatape (a popular town with a big hill that you can climb.)”. -The Intern Group (TIG)

This student story came from an employer at career fair. “Your intern was hired on full time because of the successful co-op experience they had with us.” -PAR Government Systems Corporation

Career Center Presents Upcoming Workshops

Career Center Pop-up: Resources for Diverse Student Populations

Date: March 7th

Time/location: 12-2pm, CIC Lobby, Alumni Gateway

How do you Stack Up?: Sandwiches and Skills Evaluation Workshop

Date: March 22nd

Time/Location: 12-1pm, Career and International Centers Conference Room, Second Floor ERC

Senior Boot camp: Suite up for your future

Date: March 26th

Time/location: 1-4pm, MPR 

Co-op Mixer and Panel

Date: April 5th

Time/Location: 5-7pm, MPR

Imposter Syndrome Workshop 

Date: April 12th

Time/location: 12-1p, Career and International Centers Conference Room, Second Floor ERC

Senior Good Luck Giveaways! 

Date: April 24-27th and May 10-12th

Time/location: 11-2pm, locations throughout campus (tbd) 

Hire A Knight Sponsors

We would like to thank our 2022-2023 and 2023- 2024 HireAKnight Sponsors. HAK sponsors help support student programming and experiential opportunities for our students. If you have an employer who is interested in being a corporate partner, please reach out to us. You can learn more about the multiple levels of partnership on our website.

Gold Level Sponsors: Whiting-Turner, Ensign-Bickford Industries, Saint-Gobain, General Electric (GE)

Green Level Sponsors: Logical Control Solutions

Sandstone Level Sponsors: The Arc Jefferson-St. Lawrence, Eaton, Menard, Constellation 

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