Spring Break Meal Option – Order by 11am this Thursday

While campus Dining Facilities will be closed over Spring Break next week, our campus dining partner, Sodexo, is taking orders for a daily pick up of a meal from the Cheel Dining Office between 11:00am and Noon daily.

Meals include a vegetarian option for each day and come with bottled water, a whole fruit, and two cookies. The price is $12.99 and can be paid for with DB or Knight Card.

Please place your orders by this Thursday, March 9th by 11:00am so that the Sodexo team members understand the scope of campus interest in this new service.

To place your order, please visit: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSct9SIZpA4W0gUllKQm90nMpRPyJcIPO0wWSNE9swpTnHf_8A/viewform?usp=sf_link

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