ECE and CEE Seminar: William Kirkey Sept. 20

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Civil and Environmental Engineering


Environmental Monitoring Networks: Design and Applications

William D. Kirkey

Chief Research Officer

Research Applied Technology, Education, and Service (RATES), LLC

Abstract: Environmental data is applied in an assortment of ways to aid decision-making by individuals, companies, militaries, and agencies at all levels of government.  Real-time data guides immediate response during all manner of events (storms, floods, spills, etc.), while data of various types collected over time is used to drive models for assorted purposes (e.g., weather forecasting, water availability, climatology).  Electrical and computer engineering concepts are applied throughout the design of systems that generate, disseminate, and apply such data.  This talk will overview data monitoring and management systems, with special attention to data quality control and data dissemination to both human and machine users.  Important considerations in the design and use of sensors and associated hardware and software for the collection of raw data will also be discussed.

William Kirkey earned a Ph.D. in Engineering Science from Clarkson in 2019; his doctoral dissertation centered on novel designs for optical water-quality sensors featuring both low cost and enhanced accuracy relative to commercially available options. He previously earned both a B.S. (2000) and M.S. (2003) in Electrical Engineering from SUNY Buffalo. His research interests include all aspects of autonomous environmental monitoring systems, including sensor design, system design, deployment, operation and maintenance, quality assurance, cyberinfrastructure, and data management.  His present focus is on technical innovations for improving all aspects of data collection and management systems, including increasing both the accuracy and the utility of the data produced by such systems, and enhancing efficiency and reducing costs associated with operating such systems.

CAMP 176

Wednesday, September 20, 2023, 4pm

Also on Zoom:

*Co-Sponsored by NYS Center of Excellence (CoE) in Healthy Water Solutions at Clarkson University and SUNY ESF and IEEE student branch and HKN

        Electrical and Computer Engineering  l  Civil and Environmental Engineering l  CLARKSON UNIVERSITY 

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