Happy Black Solidarity Day! 

In 1969, Dr. Carlos Russell was inspired by Douglas Turner Ward’s play “Day of Absence”. The play depicts a small town in the South that becomes bereft of its Black population, causing chaos and disorder. This inspired Dr. Carlos Russell to establish Black Solidarity Day, an annual day that falls on the Monday before Election Day in November, where Black people are encouraged to abstain from attending school or work and shopping in white establishments.

At the age of 83, Dr. Carlos Russell delivered a compelling speech to Operation P.O.W.E.R members and supporters. He is a well-known author, activist, and educator who has dedicated his life to serving the Black community. City Council member Inez Barron honored him with a proclamation for his many years of service, and Assemblyman Charles Barron presented him with a citation.

This year’s Black Solidarity Day falls on Monday, November 6th, 2023, which is the day before the local elections.

Source: amsterdamnews.com

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