The Shipley Center for Innovation is partnering with the Adirondack North Country Association (ANCA) on an exciting opportunity to visit several businesses currently for sale as part of ANCA’s Center for Businesses in Transition program (CBIT). CBIT is a dynamic partnership between regional organizations and individuals invested in the retention of local businesses and the future of North Country communities. The goal is to help owners sell their regional businesses on the open market, complete intergenerational family transitions or convert to an employee-owned or cooperative model.

CBIT is currently running a program called “Familiarization Tours” that allows interested participants to tour businesses that are currently for sale or that have undergone a recent change in ownership – and they would love to show these businesses to Clarkson students! Other than transportation, this is a completely free program and includes lunch and dinner! We will leave early in the morning from Potsdam, and will plan on arriving back on campus late in the evening.
This opportunity is only available through the end of the year! Two tours have been scheduled – Friday 12/1 and Monday 12/18. If you’re interested in participating, sign up here. Please consider signing up for both dates if you’re available, as we will only move forward with the tour if there is enough interest.
Please see the attached documents for additional information, and contact Jamey Hoose with any questions (