The Potsdam Holiday Fund, Inc. provides new toys, warm clothing and food to families and senior citizens in need in Potsdam, Madrid, Hopkinton, Nicholville, Brasher Falls, Chase Mills, Fort Jackson, West Stockholm and Winthrop, N.Y.
Many community members have participated by sponsoring a child by picking up a Giving Tree Tag and buying goods for a child within the age frame indicated on the tag. Tags are available in the Student Center, on the windows of the Office of Student Life Suite (Student Center 120). Donations must be turned in no later than 12/8 to be distributed during the 2023 season.
In 2022, The Potsdam Holiday Fund, Inc. served over 150 families, with over 400 children as well as more than 120 senior citizens in the local community and has been helping families in need for over 30 years.
Other ways to help:
We would appreciate your help in reaching out to families who need help for the holidays. If you know of someone who could benefit from the PHF, please direct families or individuals to apply for the program at potsdamholidayfund.org/apply no later than November 30th.
You can also donate to the fund via check or online and you can email the Potsdam Holiday Fund at info@potsdamholidayfund.org to request a giving card.
Anyone may also volunteer to help sort and distribute donations via the PHF website.
You can also support the fund by attending Dr. Jim’s Chemistry Magic Show on Saturday, December 9, at 11 a.m., in Science Center Room 360. Clarkson Professor Jim Peploski brings his “Miracles, Magic and Mayhem” show to the community on a Saturday in December in Clarkson’s Science Center. The show, targeted to children and great fun for all ages, benefits the Potsdam Holiday Fund. Each family or individual attending is asked to bring one new, unwrapped toy or gift to donate to the fund. Monetary contributions are also welcome in lieu of a purchased gift. Dr. Jim’s show will feature 10 to 15 demonstrations, including a free sample of ice cream made by using liquid nitrogen. The event is sponsored by Peploski and the Clarkson University Department of Chemistry & Biomolecular Science. Watch for details at https://www.facebook.com/PotsdamHolidayFund.