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Clarkson Faculty:
As we look upon the end of the Fall semester, we have the opportunity, once again, to celebrate our students and all that they have accomplished. Please join us on Saturday, December 16th for the December Recognition Ceremony. Information for the day can be found below:
December Recognition Ceremony
Saturday, December 16th
Andrew M. Schuler Indoor Recreation Center
no later than 10:30am – Faculty Arrive
11:00am – Ceremony Begins
Noon (est) – Ceremony Ends
Faculty are asked to wear regalia for the ceremony. If you would like to borrow Clarkson Regalia for the ceremony, please email and include your height, to have regalia reserved for you.
Please take a minute to let us know your plans by visiting:
We look forward to celebrating with you and our students on December 16th.
Christopher C. Robinson
Interim Provost