Social Distancing Protocols for Clarkson Community

Released March 17, 2020
Refer to Website for Ongoing Updates – *

Dear Clarkson Community,
To be compliant with New York State directives, we must take proactive and preventive measures to protect our community members, and continue to educate our students.  This includes putting into place necessary social distancing protocols that keep us safely apart while we continue to support our community. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. 

Only Essential Activities are to be performed in person and then only with social distancing protocols.

No visitors are allowed on campus until further notice.  This includes:

  • Guests.  No guests are allowed at this time.
  • Families.  Employees and students’ families are not to be on campus.  If there is a need for family members to access the campus, they should work with Human Resources,, or Dean of Students,
  • Prospective Students.  Admissions has moved to virtual tours only at this time.
  • Contractors:  Any office that has engaged contractor services will determine the appropriate level of access, consistent with these protocols.  
  • Recruiters.  The Career Center has moved to online interviews.
  • Gym/Fitness Center Members:  By NYS directive, all gyms are closed until further notice. 

Access to facilities:

  • You must maintain a social distance of 6 feet whenever possible, e.g. moving across campus, using bathrooms, or other gathering spaces.
  • All nonessential meetings and classes should be done by phone or online conference.
  • No nonessential gatherings or use of common areas such as lounges, meeting rooms, or classrooms.  
  • Essential meetings will maintain six feet between attendees
  • Employees should eat their lunch at their desk.  Dining facilities are take-out only to be compliant with NYS directives.
  • In-office interactions must be limited.  Use the phone. Do not use other workers’ phones, desks, offices, or other work tools and equipment.  Wipe down copiers and other shared resources.  
  • All athletic and fitness facilities are closed due to New York State directives. 
  • Residence Halls are now limited to those students and staff living and working there.  A pick-up time and call-first protocol for needed items has been distributed.
  • All residence hall lounges are closed.
  • Sodexo Dining Services will have one location open this week, the Servery, and information concerning food service will be updated periodically.  Complimentary to-go lunches during Spring Break are available in the Servery for employees during the week of March 16-20. 
  • All offices should practice call-first protocols.  Do not go to an office before calling first.
  • Computer labs are closed and will only be opened on a case by case basis.
  • Spaces for faculty who need on-campus spaces to record or hold online classes will be identified.

All Events are Cancelled until further notice.

Travel is restricted.

  • No international travel.
  • No travel between the Clarkson campuses.
  • Travel for the University is limited to St. Lawrence County for Potsdam-based employees; and the Capital Region for CRC and Beacon, the immediate Hudson Valley.  If you believe out of county /area travel (beyond going home) is needed, please clear it through Human Resources. Please refer to the recent communications on travel.  HR will review the area and determine if there are any confirmed cases in that area and determine whether self-quarantine is needed.

Recommendations from the CDC and NYS regarding your personal time.

  • Please remember the CDC and NYS DOH recommendations on social distancing when considering travel, and your activities in the community both personal and professional. 
  • Per the CDC on 3/15/20 – Events of any size should only be continued if they can be carried out with adherence to guidelines for protecting vulnerable populations, hand hygiene, and social distancing.  
  • In addition to banning large gatherings, New York State has directed that all movie theaters, gyms, casinos shut down and that bars and restaurants only offer take out.  They have also asked us to eliminate high-density environments.   

Our goal is to ensure that we are being very proactive and looking out for the health and well-being of the greater Clarkson community.

*Disclaimer:  Directives from the New York State Department of Health, the Department of Education, the Department of State and Centers for Disease Control & Prevention will take precedent over the information provided here. All information is subject to change based on the rapid evolution of COVID-19 information and the appropriate response needed.   

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