OAS Information for Students

OAS understands that this is a learning experience for all members of the campus community and that there are likely to be obstacles to work through along the way. In order to most effectively provide accommodations to students while maintaining social distancing guidelines, OAS is providing the distance learning procedures below to faculty and students. OAS will communicate any changes and/or new information as necessary. Information regarding final exams will become available at a later date, depending upon the University’s decision to resume face-to-face classes.

Exams: OAS will inform professors about exam accommodations for their students. Students with exam accommodations will have their double time automatically entered on Moodle when they take the exam. Students will not register their exams with OAS during the distance learning period.

If students have a time conflict with another exam or a synchronous class, they should communicate directly with their professors regarding adjusting their exam time. Students cannot be required to miss class in order to take an exam.

Snap&Read (text-to-speech, screenshot reader, simplify language, translate, report outline): A browser extension made possible by a University partnership between OAS and Occupational Therapy. The University has a contract for Snap&Read for unlimited users. More information can be found at https://snapandread.com/. All students can access this program by requesting an account from oas@clarkson.edu. Students may also consider Natural Reader, which can be found at https://www.naturalreaders.com/.

Co:Writer Universal (speech-to-text, word prediction, flexible spelling, topic dictionaries): A browser extension made possible by a University partnership between OAS and Occupational Therapy. The University has a contract for Co:Writer Universal for unlimited users. More information can be found at https://cowriter.com/. All students can access this program by requesting an account from oas@clarkson.edu.

Note taker: OAS will contact students who are currently utilizing their note taker accommodation to inquire if those students will need this accommodation continued through the distance learning period. Any other students who are eligible for a note taker and would like to request to use their accommodation should contact oas@clarkson.edu.

Flexible attendance and deadlines: For synchronous classes, students should communicate with their professor regarding their signed Flexible Attendance Agreement to see what, if any, modifications need to be made. For asynchronous classes, students are expected to adhere to requirements as posted by their professors.

Questions and concerns: OAS staff will be working from home for the foreseeable future. Email us at oas@clarkson.edu.

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