TLC Virtual Office Hours & Other Support Options for Faculty

TLC Offers Virtual Office Hours Today

As faculty continue to make transitions to online instruction this week, additional support sessions are available. The Teaching & Learning Corner encourages everyone to take advantage of the services detailed below.

Seek Self Help:  The Academic Continuity and Contingency Planning page is the home for the latest information on tools and resources. Find info on Moodle, Zoom, Echo360, and much more by clicking to find instructions on getting started and next steps. Updates posted daily.

Specific Questions: The IT HelpDesk is ready, willing and able to answer any questions you might have. Please feel free to reach out by email ( or phone (315-268-HELP).

Virtual Office Hours via Zoom: Drop in for individual and small group Q&A offered via Zoom. Available each day: March 23, 2020 – March 27, 2020 from 10:00 am – 11:00 am EST AND 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm EST.

Join Zoom Meeting

TLC staff will be available via Zoom to answer questions and provide resources. Live screen share demos and more will be available.  

Connect with Faculty & Friends:  Do you need help? Can you offer help? Join our Faculty & Friends online community where faculty can seek/offer help with using online methods and tools (Moodle, Echo360, Zoom, etc…) to support continuity in your classes? Find peer-to-peer advice, moderated by TLC staff, that will help share the wealth of knowledge and information.

Enroll Me in Moodle course: Faculty & Friends Forum

Academic Software:  Check the latest for resources and software packages that are available to students download and run on their computer at home, including:

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