Message from Compliance Officers

Dear Members of the Clarkson University Community:

Now that classes and other academic programs are being provided online by the university, we wanted to take this opportunity to remind members of our community that maintaining learning and working environments free from bullying, harassment and discrimination remains a high priority for the University. Members of the community should be aware of the following four important points:

  1. Our offices remain open and functioning by remote at this time. Anyone impacted by harassment or discrimination is encouraged to contact the Title IX, VI, ADA/504 Coordinator 315-212-8940 or the Chief Human Resources Officer 315-268-3788 or make a report online  Investigations and hearings will be conducted remotely, and remedies provided, to assure that any harassment based on age, race, creed, color, national origin, sexual orientation, military status, sex, disability, marital status, domestic violence victim status, gender identity, criminal history and sexual violence, intimate partner violence, stalking, retaliation, or other discriminatory behaviors are addressed promptly.
  2. University policies  apply to behaviors that occur in person between members of the university community, but also apply to online and virtual misconduct. Any behavior that is prohibited by policy is also likely prohibited in cyber-forms, including cyber-harassment, cyber-bullying that is protected class-based, and cyber-stalking. Members of the community are expected to maintain a tone of civility and respect in online classes just as they would if they were in class physically. 
  3. All Faculty and staff members are mandated reporters required to report all allegations of misconduct directly to the above named University contacts when they become aware of incidents or allegations involving members of the campus community, regardless of how they learn of the potential misconduct, whether in person, in writing, or online.  Employees of SHAC, HAART members, EMTs, and athletic trainers performing training duties are the only confidential exceptions.

Administrators, Deans, Chairs, Supervisors and Managers are held to a high standard of behavior. They are: Required to report any harassment reported to them or which they observe immediately to the above named contacts and work with them to resolve any issues. This includes any harassment or discrimination they should have known about. Expected to model appropriate behavior.

         4.  Finally, in New York State the bar is higher for what must be reported and addressed.  So any concerns that rise about a petty slight or annoyance should be reported.

 As a reminder, information on the university’s harassment and sexual misconduct policies and procedures and be found here, the bullying policy here and our online reporting form can be accessed here

Thank you and Stay Safe,

Jennifer L. Ball, Ph.D.
Chief Inclusion Officer

Title VI, IX, ADA/504 Coordinator

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