NSF Information from SRS

Dear Clarkson Community:

Some of you may have heard directly from the National Science Foundation (NSF) that effective Jun 1, 2020 only NSF-approved formats may be used for the biographical sketch (biosketch) and the current & pending (C&P) documents uploaded for proposals. There are two formats currently approved to create biosketches and C&P documents: (1)  SciENcv: Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae and (2) an NSF Fillable PDF document.

To most effectively support the transition to this new requirement Sponsored Research Services is developing “How To” guidance.  Once finalized, this guidance will be posted to the SRS Proposal Preparation & Submission intranet site and the Clarkson community notified of its availability.

If your plans include submitting an application to NSF on or after June 1, what can you do to prepare?

We look forward to helping you!

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