Facilities & Services: Help Us Help YOU

This year’s semester start-up, through the lens of COVID-19, may look a little different.  How can you receive the best support from Facilities & Services?

1.       Follow the University guidelines for working on campus:

a.       Place your trash and recycling bins in the hallway outside your door.  Custodians will make the rounds daily to pick up trash and disinfect your bins.

b.       Clean and disinfect your personal office, labs, breakrooms, and classrooms.  When you run out of University-issued cleaning supplies, post a work request for our Custodial group.

c.       Wear proper personal protective wear or leave when a member of our staff, or ANYONE, enters your lab, office or personal space to address a work order issue.  We will not enter if you are not properly clad.

2.       Post a work request at https://intranet.clarkson.edu/administrative/facilities/.

3.       To follow up on a work request, or ask a question, email facilities@clarkson.edu.

4.       For urgent issues call 315.268.4000.  You may need to leave a message.  (Campus Safety & Security handles University emergencies:  315.268.6666.)

5.       Keep in mind that our staff have new and varied concerns and responsibilities; expect that our response time may be delayed and some requests may have to be postponed to a later date.

Facilities & Services is here to support you in your support of Clarkson students.  We will do our best to meet the demands of this extraordinary time.

We thank you, in advance, for your patience and understanding.

Building Maintenance

Custodial Services

Grounds Maintenance

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