Wilke Named Chair of the Psychology Department at Clarkson University

Clarkson University Associate Professor Andreas Wilke, has been named chair of the Psychology Department in the School of Arts & Sciences.

Wilke joined Clarkson in 2009. He received his Diploma and Ph.D. in psychology from the Free University of Berlin in Germany.

Before coming to Clarkson, Wilke worked as a pre-doctoral researcher at the Center for Adaptive Behavior and Cognition at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin and the School of Natural Resources and the Environment at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

His postdoctoral training included posts at the Center for Behavior, Evolution, and Culture at the University of California, Los Angeles; and at the Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research in Altenberg, Austria.

He also served as both a research scientist and instructor at the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at Indiana University, Bloomington.

Wilke’s research interests include cognitive processing, judgment and decision-making, how people behave under risk and uncertainty and evolutionary approaches to human cognition and behavior. His research has been funded by research grants from the National Center for Responsible Gaming, the T. Urling and Mabel Walker Fellowship Program of Northern New York, and the International Society for Human Ethology.

He is a past recipient of research scholarships from the German Science Foundation (DFG), the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) and the Max Planck Society (MPG). His research is regularly featured in national and international media outlets. In 2014, for instance, he was interviewed about his research in the New York Times by science writer Carl Zimmer.

Wilke is the coauthor of more than 40 published articles and book chapters, many of them conducted and published in collaboration with his students. To date, Wilke’s research team has presented more than 100 papers and posters at scientific conferences and he has given two dozen invited lectures in eight different countries.

He is a member of the Cognitive Science Society, the Human Behavior and Evolution Society, the Society for Judgment and Decision-Making and the International Society for Human Ethology. In 2014, he was named Fellow of the Psychonomic Society.

Wilke regularly reviews grant and book proposals and has been an ad hoc reviewer for about 45 journals. He is an associate editor for the journal Evolutionary Psychology and is on the editorial boards of Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences and Frontiers in Evolutionary Psychology and Neuroscience.

Together with Clarkson Associate Professor Stephen Casper and former Dean of Arts & Sciences Peter Turner, Wilke co-founded the Arts and Sciences Seminar Series (now, the David A. Walsh Speaker Series). Wilke is a recipient of Clarkson University’s Commendable Leadership Award and a member of Phalanx, Clarkson’s highest honorary society.

Clarkson University launches leaders into the global economy. One in five alumni already leads as a CEO, VP or equivalent senior executive of a company. Located just outside the Adirondack Park in Potsdam, N.Y., Clarkson is a nationally recognized research university for undergraduates with select graduate programs in signature areas of academic excellence directed toward the world’s pressing issues. Through 50 rigorous programs of study in engineering, business, arts, sciences and the health professions, the entire learning-living community spans boundaries across disciplines, nations, and cultures to build powers of observation, challenge the status quo, and connect discovery and engineering innovation with enterprise.


[A photograph for media use is available at https://www.clarkson.edu/ sites/default/files/media/ image/2018-07/andreas-wilke. jpeg.]

[News directors and editors: For more information, contact Melissa Lindell, Director of Media Relations, at mlindell@clarkson.edu or 315-268-6716.]

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