Supporting Those Impacted by Recent Events

Dear Clarkson Community,

Following the message of President Collins from Wednesday evening, I wanted to acknowledge that January 6 was a traumatic day for many.  And the uncertainty created by the attack on Congress may stay with us for some time.  In addition, it is important to acknowledge that the events this week have opened up prior traumas of racial injustice and created new pain for Black, Indigenous, and non-Black People of Color. 

As members of the Clarkson Community, please hold space for one another.  Respect people’s need to be physically and emotionally safe.  Honor your own and others’ need for support, space, and care.

The Chief Inclusion Office is here for you.  If you need support or resources, we can provide them and help you access them. The Dean of Students and counseling services are available as well. 

Here are some resources that may help you.

In Support and Community,

Jennifer L. Ball, Ph.D.
she/her pronouns
Chief Inclusion Officer
Title VI, IX, ADA/504 Coordinator
Assoc. Professor HU/SS

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