COVID-19 Read: March 2 Update

In this communication:

  • Mask
  • Update on positive cases and quarantines
  • Several 100 Vaccination Appointments Added to Weekend Schedule

Potsdam Campus Community,


Golden Knights, when everyone wears a mask, it is our most effective way to seriously limit the transmission of coronavirus.  Please wear it around everyone but your direct roommates — not just for you, but for your fellow classmates doing the right things to stop the spread and get back to our next level of campus activities. 

Positive Case & Quarantine Updates

With public health representatives, the University Care Team Members  are currently supporting 25 students with active cases of COVID-19 and 70 completing mandatory quarantines on and off campus. Twelve community members, inclusive of a cluster in quarantine, those returning to campus and employees; also had positive test results reported to us today.

We have also asked residents of Hamlin-Powers to enter in a 48-hour precautionary quarantine to facilitate comprehensive testing based on positive tests in the same residence and wastewater-based surveillance that included elevated SARS-CoV-2 markers.  These students have received a separate communication.  

If you are not feeling well or need to act on the daily screening tool, seek medical attention via the Student Health Center ( or 315-268-6633) or via your own medical provider.  

Many Vaccination Appointments Added to Mass Vaccination Site at SUNY Potsdam

New York State officials shared with us that 100s of vaccination appointments have been allotted to the SUNY Potsdam Mass Vaccination site starting this weekend.  See the criteria here  and assess for yourself you are ready to make an appointment and complete the self-signed attesation at 

“Keep Calm & Carry On.”  Winston Churchill

If you have any questions about this communication, please contact, (employees) (students) and/or me. 

Kelly Chezum ‘04
VP for External Relations
Restart/Rebuild Communications Lead 

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