Final Exam Information for Students With/Requesting Testing Accommodations

Final Exam Scheduling
All students taking final exams through OAS and who are approved to be on campus this semester will take their exams in person regardless of the class exam being conducted in person or electronically. Modifications to this in-person modality will be made if the University moves all exams electronic for any reason. Students who have been approved by the Office of the Dean of Students as  remote learners will be contacted by OAS with virtual proctor information.

Students with Existing Accommodations (accommodations set up with OAS and submitted on myCU this semester; ie students who have taken exams with OAS already this semester)
If you have set up your accommodations on myCU this semester, OAS will review your final exam schedule and individually update your exams to reflect your accommodations. OAS will begin final exam schedule updates on April 7. If you would like to review the regular classroom final exam schedule to see the dates of your exams, you may do so on your Knight Hub Final Exam Schedule tile. When OAS reviews your exam schedule and makes necessary changes based on your accommodations, your Final Exam Schedule tile will not be changed. Instead, you will find your updated final exam schedule on the Accommodations & Tutoring tile, which will include the class, date, time, and location for each exam. We anticipate completing the OAS finals schedule by April 28. You will receive an email from to notify you when the schedule is complete. Please disregard OAS test confirmation emails with testing dates of May 5-11 until you receive notification from our office that the schedule is completed.

Requesting Previously Approved Accommodations (accommodations set up with OAS, but not yet submitted on myCU this semester)
If you are already approved for testing accommodations through OAS and plan to use your accommodations for final exams, you must submit your accommodation notification on myCU no later than April 7. Requests submitted after this date will not be accepted. Instructions for submitting your accommodation notification can be found here.

Requesting New Accommodations (accommodations not set up with OAS)
If you have a mental or physical health condition which substantially limits taking exams and you would like to request accommodations, in order to have accommodations for final exams, you must submit your request with provider documentation on myCU no later than April 7. Requests submitted after this date will be considered on a case-by-case basis and may not be considered until the start of the next term. Examples of late requests include temporary disabilities such as a broken wrist, hospitalization, etc or newly diagnosed disabilities. Instructions for submitting your request can be found here.

Contact with any questions.

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