Potsdam Juneteenth 2021

Celebrating Our Black History

Our people have never had it easy. From slavery to police brutality to overt racism and microaggressions; being Black is exhausting.

It’s time to celebrate our culture. Our lives. Our history. Our beauty.

Hi, I am Jennifer Baxtron, founder and organizer of Black Lives Matter Potsdam, NY.

I want to personally invite you to the second annual
Juneteenth Celebration!
Saturday, June 19, 4 to 9 pm, Ives Park Gazebo, 3 Riverview Dr., Potsdam

This free cultural celebration will feature speakers, a Black beauty fashion show, music, dancing, art, and more. 

Join us in Celebration, including a free traditional soul food meal catered by Big Spoon Kitchen!  Bring a picnic blanket or chairs – and your appetite!I was deeply saddened when I learned of SUNY Potsdam Crane School of Music Professor and Dean Dr. Lonel Woods’ passing. While I never had the pleasure to meet him personally, I heard he was a true champion of civil rights for our people throughout his career from Broadway to working with SUNY Potsdam students.

The Committee I am leading will honor Dr. Woods and his contribution to advancing equity and inclusion during the Celebration.

We look forward to seeing you as we celebrate our Black Freedom on June 19!

Please feel free to contact the Juneteenth Organizing Committee via email: PotsdamJuneteenth@gmail.com.

In Solidarity,
Jennifer Baxtron

P.S. We want you and your family to feel free to join us unencumbered, this day is for you to celebrate with us!  However, if you have friends or colleagues who would like to contribute, here are some links:
Volunteer Sign Up  https://forms.gle/NWUH3wDiRxYvWT8w6
GoFundMe  http://b.link/PotsdamJuneteenth2021

Jennifer Baxtron will also be receiving a Commendable Leadership Award at the event between 4pm and 5pm. She was nominated by a member of the Clarkson Community and selected for the award by the members of Phalanx. 

Here was the narrative given in her nomination for why she should be awarded:

“Jennifer has a passion for Civil Rights, she was responsible for the BLM march this summer, (which had record numbers for Potsdam)  and for getting the village to recognize Juneteenth, which will now be an annual celebration.  The outpouring from this community was overwhelming.  Jennifer is a fighter always willing to do what is right no matter the consequences.”

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