Writing Center Support Available to You

Graduate students on all campuses can use the Clarkson Writing Center. The center is physically located on the Potsdam campus, but zoom appointments are offered most evenings from 5 – 8 p.m.  Zoom appointments can also be set up at other times; you just need to let the consultant know that you’ll need to zoom in.

Graduate students working on course work can use the regular appointment calendar available at this LINK or you can find the link on our website–listed under “Learner Support” on your course Moodle Page.  Look to the Quick Resources box on the top left.

Graduate students working on articles for publication or thesis or dissertation or on personal statements should make appointments only with the director Catherine Sajna by emailing csajna@clarkson.edu

Last year, the Writing Center also offered Graduate Writing Groups which met online solely to have accountability to get your own writing done. If you are interested in participating, please contact the director at  csajna@clarkson.edu.  

If you personally or your club are interested in a presentation on writing or a writing workshop, we can design one, so contact the director at csajna@clarkson.edu

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