Phalanx Upcoming Events

Phalanx Upcoming Events

  • Phalanx presents our annual Leadership Mixer on Saturday November 6th from 10am to 11am. This event is intended to bring leaders on campus together to discuss leadership at Clarkson and to create a network of their peers. (Please see attached flyer for more information.)
  • Phalanx also presents Advice from Alumni featuring the esteemed Prof. Marc Compeau on Monday November 8th from 5pm to 6pm. Prof. Marc Compeau is a Phalanx Alumni, the Director of Strategic Messaging and works in Development & Alumni Relations. (Please see attached flyer for more information.)
  • Phalanx Nominations: Every year Phalanx awards people  the Commendable LeadershipCommendable Service, and Distinguished Service awards. Your nomination would help  recognize those that serve and lead the Clarkson Community through their efforts of all shapes, sizes, and capacities. (Please see attached flyer for the nominations form QR Code.

All Phalanx event attendees will be entered into a raffle for a chance to win a Clarkson Starbucks coupon! Please save the dates and we hope to see you there.”

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