Honors Program Newsletter: November 2022

Message From the Director

We’re delighted to highlight several of our students in this fall newsletter, as they make the most of the opportunities that the Honors program provides. This past summer, we had a close-knit group of new Honors students take part in our Honors pre-frosh research program. We’re particularly proud of this program, which is totally unique to Clarkson, that allows students to begin research before they start their first semester in college. We’ve seen how it pays off, too. Gracie DeLaBruere ’23 continued her summer research as a current student and spent the summer in both Potsdam, New York, and Germany, completing research with her professor. Buddy Bomze ’24 has used another benefit of Honors, pursuing both summer field work and a fall study abroad experience in Israel with the support of the Honors Educational Enhancement Scholarship. We are proud to be able to support our students as they pursue these life-changing learning experiences through Clarkson Honors.

— Kate Krueger, Director of Honors/Professor of Literature

Pre-Frosh Experience

A unique part of the Honors Program is the Pre-Frosh Summer Research Experience — an opportunity for incoming Honors students to arrive on campus during the summer and spend five weeks researching with Clarkson faculty. This year, eight students took advantage of the program and now reflect on how it has shaped their first year. READ MORE

A Working Vacation

This was not your typical summer vacation. Instead of lounging on the beach or taking a road trip, Gracie DeLaBruere ’23 worked with collaborators in the Naturalistic Social Cognition lab at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Germany. Accompanied by her professor and other research assistants, she investigated statistical thinking in children. READ MORE

A Break Abroad

Another Honors student who took full advantage of the summer break was Benjamin Bomze ’24, who interned at IBI Group in Tel Aviv over the summer and has remained in Israel to study abroad. He is spending the semester at the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies, which promotes peacebuilding through environmental leadership. READ MORE

Bragging Rights

Once again, Honors students can rest assured that, at Clarkson, they are getting the best — in national universities, value, potential for social mobility and undergraduate engineering programs, among others. We’re not just tooting our own horn either. U.S. News & World Report recently released their 2023 Best Colleges issue, and we’re ranked among the best. READ MORE

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