Embracing Change

Change is a natural part of life and can be an opportunity to learn, grow, and build your character. However, change of any kind can be difficult to navigate and adjust to, whether you view it as positive or negative. Here are some suggestions for managing and embracing changes when they occur.  

Manage Your Expectations 

Sometimes the anticipation you experience before a big change occurs can cause more stress and anxiety than the change itself. Find ways to cope with the upcoming change in order to lessen your stress levels. Find someone to talk to about your feelings regarding the change, such as a trusted friend, family member, or counselor. 

Radical Acceptance

First coined by psychologist Marsha Linehan, radical acceptance involves the practice of fully accepting reality as it is and acknowledging there are some things you cannot control—especially when things don’t turn out the way you wanted or expected. Fighting or resisting change often makes it more painful than it otherwise would be. It doesn’t mean that you are helpless to change things in the future but that you accept the present moment as it is.  

Transitions Are Temporary

Keep in mind that the beginning of a transitional period is often the most difficult, and the adjustment period gets easier with each day. Try to take it one day at a time and keep channels of communication open with others who are also involved in the change. Remember that how you feel now regarding the change is temporary and you will adjust in time.

Find Positive Aspects 

If change often causes you worry and fear, look for possible positive outcomes of the change. For instance, there could be new opportunities that enrich your life and connect you with new people. Also, change will often help you grow and learn about yourself. What at first may be considered a problem, could turn into a beneficial opportunity.

Build Your Resilience

Resilience is defined as the ability to adapt to difficult situations and come out stronger. Resilient people find ways to cope with adversity and overcome setbacks by utilizing their skills and resources. Think of change as an opportunity to strengthen your resiliency.

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