Summer Course Preparations Begin

Summer 2019 term is nearly here!  Check dates.  Summer and Fall 2019 courses are now published in Peoplesoft which means faculty can add their course in Moodle through Faculty Center. Here’s how.

Textbooks Selections: Clarkson Bookstore reminds faculty to submit textbook selections for their course to the Clarkson Bookstore by April 15 for Fall adoptions (all other adoptions should be submitted at least 60 days before the beginning of the term). More about.

Check Out this Checklist to help you get course preparations underway. The checklist compiles action items and links to resources on a timeline helpful for getting you ready in time.

More Helpful Links:

Remember: The Teaching & Learning Corner is a resource for faculty seeking support in course development, instructional design and educational technology.  Please contact for more information or to request a consultation.

Developing a New Online Course?

TLC Graduate Instructional Design Specialists are available to provide one-on-one consultations to assist and support you in developing new online courses. We will assist you with outlining your course, creating engaging materials and activities, building your course in Moodle and much more!  

Prepping an Existing Online Course?

We can help get your existing online course ready for the next term by ensuring that you have the most up-to-date institutional links and documents, reviewing your course for opportunities for improvement, and testing technology. We are happy to provide you with any of the consultation, tools, and resources listed above as well.

We look forward to working with you.

Sincerely, Your friends at the Teaching & Learning Corner

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