
New staff – Division of Student Affairs

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The Division of Student Affairs is pleased announce the addition of new staff members, as well as recent promotions. Please join me in welcoming our new members to the Clarkson Community and congratulating our current staff on their new roles. AccessABILITY Services Jessica Ayott, Coordinator   Campus Safety & Security  Gerald Bova,  Safety & Security […]

Fitness Class Schedule Fall 2018

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FITNESS CLASS SCHEDULE/ FALL 2018 REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. Space is  limited. CU employees and members, register online at Fitness Class Registration   FITNESS FUSION Instructor:  SHANNON DESROSIERS Cost: $90, 18 classes total Monday & Wednesday: 12:10-12:50pm Want to get in the best shape of your life and maximize your calorie burn? Want to tone and strengthen

Political Activity Notification

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Clarkson Community, Political activities and campaigning are already well underway in Congressional races and several other NYS and regional elected positions. As a matter of respecting the exercise of our First Amendment freedom, the University will welcome the efforts of any member of the Clarkson Community who wishes to participate in political campaigns using personal

Important Message from National Institutes of Health

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All Faculty: Higher education research institutions have been recently notified from National Institutes of Health (NIH) advising that threats to the integrity of U.S. biomedical research exists. There is evidence that some foreign entities have attempted to influence NIH researchers and peer reviewers. The areas of concern include: intellectual property, sharing of confidential information on grant

Evacuation Procedures for Persons with Disabilities

Graduate Students in Potsdam Undergrad Students

EVACUATION PROCEDURES FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES The following is a general guideline of evacuation procedures during fire and other building emergencies.  It also addresses non-emergency situations. All persons are encouraged to identify primary and secondary evacuation routes.  Each evacuation route must lead to an exit or to a safe area.  After identifying two evacuation routes, persons in fixed

Course Enrollment Reminders

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Please keep the following things in mind throughout the fall term.  Contact SAS if you have any questions. Attendance Per University Regulations III-F (Attendance), course instructors are requested to report 3 consecutive absences to the Dean of Students’ office, in order to provide a minimal check on the physical and academic well-being of the student. This

Annual FERPA Reminder

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Annual FERPA Reminder to all Faculty & Staff FERPA Basics The start of the academic year is an excellent time to remind all faculty and staff of the importance of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). FERPA protects the privacy of a student’s academic record. It applies to all institutions that

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