Author name: Kristen Avery

OSL is Hiring Student Staff!

Undergrad Students

The Office of Student Life is hiring for Spring 2019! If you would like to be part of the hard-working team that helps all other student organizations host their events and implements large campus events like Spring Orientation and the MLK Day of Service, be sure to submit your application! Applications will be reviewed on […]

Tonight in the Forum: Christopher Robin, Honey Pots, Honey-Themed Snacks, and Popcorn!

Undergrad Students

Late Knight Movie: Christopher Robin Tonight in the Forum at 9 p.m. PLUS: Free popcorn, free honey-themed snacks, and free make-your-own honey pot! Sponsored by: CUB, OSL, Clarkson Keepers, and Residence Life – Moore House staff Students who check-in to Late Knight Movies with their Event Pass are automatically entered into a drawing for one of FOUR

SPIRIT WEEK/PEP RALLY: Last Call for Sign-Ups!

Undergrad Students

This is the last call for sign-ups for Spirit Week and Family Weekend events, so make sure you sign up ASAP! Marathon Monday:  Banner Painting Competition: Sign up by TONIGHT, 10/10 at 7p at Residence Hall Decorating Competition: Sign up by Thursday, 10/11 at 11:45p at Window Painting Competition: Sign up by Friday, 10/12 at 4p at Tony

Family Weekend: October 19-20

Graduate Students in Potsdam Undergrad Students

Family Weekend is approaching on Friday and Saturday, October 19th and 20th! There are myriad fun events that weekend, and you are invited to participate! Please check out the full schedule at Some highlights from the weekend include the games and activities offered during Frozen Friday, the men’s and women’s hockey games, and of course, the NCAA

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