Author name: Kristen Avery

Text Breakers This Friday!

Graduate Students in Potsdam Undergrad Students

TEXT BREAKERSThis Friday, 9/18 from 5-6pRegister: Compete against other student teams in this interactive, text message game show! Text Breakers plays hilarious texting games and competitions similar to popular TV game shows and spans more genres than just trivia, including drawing, music, and more. The best part is that all answers are texted in from

Constitution Day is September 17th

Undergrad Students

Constitution Day is coming up on September 17th! Voting is a core principle of being American, but to exercise this basic Constitutional right, we must be registered to vote! The general election is being held on November 3rd and your vote counts. Please watch the videos below to learn more about voting absentee and the electoral college.

Clarkson Dining FAQs During COVID-19 & Social Distancing

Graduate Students in Potsdam Undergrad Students

How do I order meals? RoBro, Servery, Marketplace Deli, and Grab and Go: Meals at these locations should be ordered in advance at These locations accept Meal Swipe, Declining Balance (DB) or credit card as payment. Choose “Meal Exchange Menu” when using Meal Swipes. Orders placed at the Servery will result in a text message

Election Poll Inspectors Needed

Graduate Students in Potsdam Undergrad Students

As November approaches, we’re facing a critical shortage of poll workers around the country. This shortage will impact our ability to vote. During the primary season, we saw the number of polling places shrink dramatically. Many of those closures were fueled by staffing shortages. Historically, U.S. elections have relied heavily on volunteers who are 65

Student Organizations Suite reservation process

Undergrad Students

Hello students,  The Student Organizations Suite (Student Center 120) is open to all students by appointment. Due to Covid-19 occupancy restrictions, we can have a limited number of people in the suite at all times. To access the suite, you will need to schedule an appointment using your Clarkson Gmail account. To sign up for

Perform at Spoken Word Night

All Announcements

Dear faculty and staff, You are invited to sign up to speak or read at Open Talent Night with the theme of Spoken Word on Thursday, 9/10 from 7-8pm, held virtually. Poetry, slam poetry, rap, hip hop, and all forms of spoken word are welcome!  Sign up to perform at Spoken word is a

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