Author name: Laura Perry

TLC Pop Up Webinar TODAY

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The Teaching & Learning Corner is offering a pop-up webinar series focused on instructional continuity. Faculty are encouraged to consider ways to continue teaching online in the event of a disruption. Presenters will offer best practices and resources for getting started. Learn about available tools that are known to make online learning a success and […]

[Tomorrow at 11a] Take Class Attendance with Moodle: Web Tools Wedensday Webinar

Graduate Students in Potsdam

NEW Time: Wednesday, 3/4/20 @ 11:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. Enter Webinar in Zoom.Add to Calendar Add to Calendar 03/04/2020 11:00 AM 03/04/2020 12:00 AM America/New_York Moodle Attendance Tool, a Web Tools Wednesday Webinar Join us for this informative session when we invite Clarkson University PhD student and Teaching Assistant Marzieh Babaeianjelodar, as she has incorporated

[This Week] Take Class Attendance with Moodle: Web Tools Wednesday Webinar

Graduate Students in Potsdam

NEW Time: Wednesday, 3/4/20 @ 11:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. Enter Webinar in Zoom. Add to Calendar 03/04/2020 11:00 AM 03/04/2020 12:00 AM America/New_York Moodle Attendance Tool, a Web Tools Wednesday Webinar Join us for this informative session when we invite Clarkson University PhD student and Teaching Assistant Marzieh Babaeianjelodar, as she has incorporated Moodle’s Attendance

Zoom to replace Adobe Connect

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IMPORTANT update: Clarkson OIT announces that beginning Spring 2020, the University will choose Zoom as the official provider of full service web conferencing and online meeting services. The decision comes after a lengthy period of provisioning and supporting both Zoom and Adobe Connect for 200+ users at the institution. During this time period, Zoom has proven

Mar 4 – Take Class Attendance with Moodle: Web Tools Wednesday Webinar

Graduate Students in Potsdam

NEW Time: Wednesday, 3/4/20 @ 11:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. Enter Webinar in Zoom. Add to Calendar 03/04/2020 11:00 AM 03/04/2020 12:00 AM America/New_York Moodle Attendance Tool, a Web Tools Wednesday Webinar Join us for this informative session when we invite Clarkson University PhD student and Teaching Assistant Marzieh Babaeianjelodar, as she has incorporated Moodle’s

[Join now] Web Tools Wednesday Webinar: Risk-free Student Engagement with Piazza

Graduate Students in Potsdam

Tune in 12:00p-1:00p, Feb 5 in Zoom from your desk, conference room with co-workers, or mobile device. Join Zoom Meeting Free gift to everyone who attends this Live Webinar: Feb 5, 12p. Learning is risky business. We see students hesitate to engage in asking questions or seeking help for fear of perceived risks. Consider ways of

[This Week] Web Tools Wednesday Webinar: Risk-free Student Engagement with Piazza

Graduate Students in Potsdam

Free gift to everyone who attends this Live Webinar: Feb 5, 12p. Learning is risky business. We see students hesitate to engage in asking questions or seeking help for fear of perceived risks. Consider ways of making your course risk-free. Piazza, an online student engagement tool, allows instructors to use anonymity as a strategy to engage students more

Feb 5 – Web Tools Wednesday Webinar: Risk-free Student Engagement with Piazza

Graduate Students in Potsdam

Free gift to everyone who attends this Live Webinar: Feb 5, 12p. Learning is risky business. We see students hesitate to engage in asking questions or seeking help for fear of perceived risks. Consider ways of making your course risk-free. Piazza, an online student engagement tool, allows instructors to use anonymity as a strategy to engage students more

Webinar: Web Tools Wed. Intro to New Moodle UI

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A Web Tools Wednesday Webinar: Jan 8: 12p Register Instructors and students returning in the New Year will note Moodle’s new updated look. In this webinar, participants will get acquainted with some of the newest features now available in Moodle, including: Tour the new Dashboard and learn to customize it for quicker access to the courses

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