Vacation Policy Update

Clarkson is pleased to announce recent updates to the existing vacation policy.  Our goal continues to ensure that employees have the opportunity to use their earned vacation and to continue to provide flexibility by allowing staff to carry over several unused days into the next fiscal year.  Clarkson also recognizes the benefits and importance of staff taking … Continue reading Vacation Policy Update

Mandatory Sexual Harassment Training

On April 12, 2018, Governor Cuomo signed into law several updates to the New York State’s sexual harassment laws. One of the updates includes the requirement that employers provide an interactive training program to all of its employees on yearly bases. Human Resources and the Office of Inclusion will be offering this training on the dates … Continue reading Mandatory Sexual Harassment Training

IRS Announces New 2020 Retirement Contribution Limits

The IRS recently announced the new 2020 retirement plan contribution limits.  Effective January 1, 2020, you may choose to increase your maximum supplemental/voluntary contributions to your retirement account with TIAA from $19,000 to $19,500 for under the age of 50 and from $25,000 to $25,500 for those over the age of 50. The first pay period … Continue reading IRS Announces New 2020 Retirement Contribution Limits

Mandatory Sexual Harassment Training

On April 12, 2018, Governor Cuomo signed into law several updates to the New York State’s sexual harassment laws. One of the updates includes the requirement that employers provide an interactive training program to all of its employees on yearly bases. Human Resources and the Office of Inclusion will be offering this training on the dates … Continue reading Mandatory Sexual Harassment Training

Mandatory Sexual Harassment Training

On April 12, 2018, Governor Cuomo signed into law several updates to the New York State’s sexual harassment laws. One of the updates includes the requirement that employers provide an interactive training program to all of its employees on yearly bases. Human Resources and the Office of Inclusion will be offering this training on the dates … Continue reading Mandatory Sexual Harassment Training

University Communication Update Sessions

Hello CRC and Beacon Campuses, As part of Clarkson’s commitment to increasing and improving communication across our campuses, we will be holding informational sessions at the CRC campus to provide important institutional updates, departmental updates, and discuss cross-departmental partnerships.  They will begin this November and December. Our goal is to continue these presentations in the spring … Continue reading University Communication Update Sessions