Dear Clarkson Community

As a continued effort to update current policies and clarify practices of the University see below for a list of new /updated policies. Clarkson continues to recognize its employees for the positive contributions they make to our community.

The policies are outlined as follows:

  • Volunteer Emergency Responder –This policy applies to active emergency responder volunteers and allows them up to 5 days of paid time off for mandated training programs (2 Days) or to respond to emergency situations (3 days) in our community.
  • Holiday- HR combined policy 8.3.7 (Holidays- Administrative and Supervisory) and 8.3.8 ( Holidays- General Staff) into one policy to provide consistent messaging. Please review this policy.

The operations manual is scheduled to be updated by December 2018, for now, both policies are attached for your review. If you have any questions, please call Human Resources at Ext. 6497.


Volunteer Emergencey Responder Policy

Human Resources Team

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