Confirming our Plan to Communicate Positive Test Results to the Campus Community

Campus Colleagues,

Welcome back to the Fall Semester and coming together to welcome back our students for the first week of classes.  

I am writing to address a rumor/concern that was brought to my attention by a few of our colleagues and some members in the greater North Country community.  I ask for your support in sharing this information as appropriate regarding our reporting of positive COVID-19 test results. 

Clarkson University’s New York Forward Reopening Plan, which includes protocols for screening, monitoring and testing for COVID-19, can be found on  This web site also includes relevant campus announcements and other restart resources shared with our campus community.

Per our reopening plan and continuing of past practice established in March, I will post on behalf of the University an announcement to the faculty, staff and students on the same day we are notified of a positive result on a COVID-19 test for a member(s) of our campus community, including the steps that are being taken while maintaining individual confidentiality.  This information is also available to the public on our website, on a “Reporting on Positive Cases” tab.  This web site information is up to date as of the time I am sending this email, and includes the cases reported in this fiscal year on July 27 and August 12. 

If you have any questions or would like clarification on the reopening plans, please let me know.  Thank you and please enjoy the weekend. 


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