Evening Update to the Positive Cases Reported On Campus

Potsdam  Campus Community,

Many thanks to faculty, staff and student members of the University Community for cooperating with St. Lawrence County Public Health and University representatives, as we work together to follow up on three positive cases of COVID-19 among closely connected individuals identified last evening.

Through current contact tracing and with the objective to stop a spread in our community, we have three members of our community in a status of isolation and 68 in quarantine or precautionary quarantine.   Public Health may continue to connect with individuals into the weekend based on all NYS protocols.

It is imperative that if you or anyone around you is symptomatic  — fever of 100.4* or greater, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, chills, muscle pain, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell – that  you do  not attend class or group gatherings.  Please contact Campus Safety at 315-268-6666, and a staff member there will connect you 24/7 with the appropriate resource for evaluation and testing.

We are continuing some of the small group Stage 3 gatherings that were scheduled for this weekend. Please ensure you have options available for those who need to connect in remotely.  While it should be routine at this point in the semester, we need everyone to be adhering to health and safety protocols to wear a mask over the nose and mouth; practice social distancing; practice good personal hygiene and again, do your daily screening for symptoms and act on those if you exhibit any signs of COVID-19. 
Thank you. 

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