Undergraduate Faculty Research Awards

It is with great pleasure to announce the recipients of the 2020/21 undergraduate faculty research awards.  Members of the Senate Research and Intellectual Property Committee received and reviewed several proposals and thanks to the generous support of the Provost’s office, five proposal will be funded. The recipients and their respective research project titles are as follows:

  • Dr. Legault, “On Becoming Woke at Work: An Experimental Test of Motivational Video Communications to Activate Awareness of Racism in the Workplace”
  • Drs. Wilke, Pedersen, Han, “Statistical thinking and the understanding of chance in children”
  • Drs. Rivera, Galluzzo, DeWaters, “Preparing STEM Teachers to Address Culture and Equity (Teach C&E)”
  • Dr. Appiah-Kubi, “Effects of Concurrent Vestibular Activation and Postural Training on Postural Control Using Virtual Reality”
  • Drs. Snyder, Rand, Oppenlander, “P-12 Teaching in the Time of COVID”

The committee members would like to remind faculty that this is a great opportunity for those who do not have access to graduate students to receive funding supporting their scholarly activities. We hope that the high funding rate will encourage more faculty to submit proposals for next year’s request for proposals.  Recipients will receive details regarding their award shortly.  
Best of luck with the Spring semester ahead and stay well.

Shannon M. Robinson, Ed.D.
Sponsored Research Services
Associate Vice Provost for Research and Technology Transfer 

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