Clarkson Professors Awarded Prize from the Romanian Academy

The Romanian Academy awarded recently the Medical Science Section prize to Dr. Alisa G. Woods, Research Associate Professor of Chemistry and Biomolecular Science and Dr. Costel C. Darie, Associate Professor of Chemistry and Biomolecular Science, for editing the book entitled Advancements of Mass Spectrometry in Biomedical Research. The prize, called the Daniel Danielopolu prize, is the highest honor that the Romanian Academy awards to a Romanian citizen. Because the book was co-edited, Dr. Woods is the first non-Romanian citizen to receive this prize. 

Top row: Prof. Darie and Prof. Woods’ book at the Romanian Academy, among other works that received other prizes. Bottom row: the prize certificates

The book, published by Springer in 2019, is the second edition of the initial book edited in 2014. The topic of the book is mass spectrometry and its applications in the fields of “omics”, including but not limited to proteomics, metabolomics, glycomics, lipidomics, exposomics, and adductomics, to name a few.

“The authors of the contributions in this book are from all over the world,” said Darie. “We also have contributions from Clarkson, specifically, from Professors Thomas Holsen and Bernie Crimmins, but also from late Prof. Artem Melman. I am happy that this book has such a great impact on the scientific community, including Romania,” ended Darie.

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