Electrical & Computer Engineering & Computer Science Joint Seminar

Kitware and The OSTP Program

Will present a talk entitled:

Get Paid To Go to School, and Work on Cool Open Source Scientific Software

Abstract: The Open Source Software Technology Program (OSTP) team from Kitware will share how the OSTP works with interested CS and CE students. The OSTP is a three year program where new bachelor’s level graduates work on a master’s degree and on exciting open source scientific computing software at Kitware. The master’s degree is 100% paid for by Kitware and program members are paid a competitive salary for new BS level CS and CE graduates. You don’t have to decide between continuing your education and being paid, you can have your cake and eat it too!

Kitware is a 100% employee owned open source scientific computing company. Kitware has teams working on Computer Vision, Data and Analytics, Scientific Computing, Medical Computing, and Software Solutions. Since its creation in 1998 Kitware has produced well known open source software programs such as CMake, VTK, ParaView, ITK, and many others. In addition we have worked with DARPA, NIH, DOE, Toyota, Zimmer and many others to advance technologies and computing solutions to many interesting and difficult problems. The OSTP members rotate in the different technical groups at Kitware spending 9-10 months in a group before moving on. They are given training in high quality software processes and the technical areas they rotate into.

In this talk we will describe how the program works and highlight some of the many interesting projects OSTP members have worked on.

Zoom: https://clarkson.zoom.us/j/98940025405?pwd=U09wbDZsVjR5K040a0I5UGhSTHd0Zz09

Wednesday, March 8th, 2023


*Co-Sponsored by IEEE student branch and HKN

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