Open Bed Spaces in Campus Housing and going into the Spring Semester

As we begin to think about the beginning of the semester, the Residence Life Office wishes to remind students about the university policies regarding open bed spaces (or bed spaces that will become open) for the Spring semester. Our policies regarding vacancies in housing are as follows:

 Clarkson’s Potsdam campus is a four-year residential community. All undergraduate students are required to live on campus for eight semesters….The Residence Life Office reserves the right to make changes to assignment at any time, with little or no notice, in response to facility limitations, change in enrollment, conflict resolution, etc., or to address the needs of the overall residential community. This includes reassigning students to any vacant spaces.

As students graduate in December, become students in January, and come and go from experiences such as Study Abroad, CO-OPs, ADK or Trudeau semesters, etc… there will be changes taking place within residential housing on campus. If you have an open bed space in your living area and are not designated as having a single bedroom, you should anticipate receiving a roommate. Your room must be set up for a new person to move in/be assigned there at any time with little to no notice. We will fill vacant spaces across campus. 

For the spring semester, students who are currently away from cmpaus for their experiential learning will receive an email from Residence Life before Thanksgiving break with paperwork to fill out regarding their return. The Office of Residence Life will prioritize filling those incoming students into open spaces (cohort-appropriate), before making internal moves around campus. 

We wish everyone a wonderful Spirit week and an upcoming family and Halloween weekend! 

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