Residence Life

Spring Break Leaving Campus Housing Information

All Announcements Graduate Students in Potsdam Undergrad Students

Dear Clarkson University Students, Spring Break is just around the corner, and we want to ensure that your plans go smoothly. Please take note of the following important information: We hope this information helps you prepare for a safe and enjoyable Spring Break. If you have any questions or require assistance, please reach out to […]

2024-2025 New RA/HA Application Now Live!!

All Announcements Undergrad Students

Residence Life is pleased to announce that the application process for the position of Residential Advisor/House Advisor for the academic year 2024-2025 is now officially open. To access the application form, kindly navigate to Knight Life and locate the form titled “2024-2025 New RA_HA Application.” For your convenience, here is the direct link. Please ensure that you

Office of Accessibility Services Housing Accommodations

All Announcements Graduate Students in Potsdam Undergrad Students

Important information from the Office of Accessibility Services is detailed below. Any questions or concerns should be directed to Students with disabilities and/or medical conditions who require a specific type of housing to ensure equal access to education may request an accommodation through the Office of Accessibility Services. Due to the variety of offerings through

 Housing and the Spring Semester

All Announcements Undergrad Students

Dear Residential Students, As we approach the conclusion of the semester, the Residence Life Office wishes to remind students of the university’s policies regarding open bed spaces (or bed spaces that will become available) for the upcoming Spring semester.  Our policies pertaining to vacancies in campus housing are as follows: Clarkson University’s Potsdam campus operates

Open Bed Spaces in Campus Housing and going into the Spring Semester

All Announcements Undergrad Students

As we begin to think about the beginning of the semester, the Residence Life Office wishes to remind students about the university policies regarding open bed spaces (or bed spaces that will become open) for the Spring semester. Our policies regarding vacancies in housing are as follows: “ Clarkson’s Potsdam campus is a four-year residential community. All undergraduate students are

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