Seminars & Colloquiums

Honors Department Seminar

Graduate Students in Potsdam Undergrad Students

Aaron StollerFounding Director, Office of Academic Programs Director, First-Year ProgramAffiliate Faculty, Philosophy & Education Departments  Colorado College will speak as candidate for Director of the Clarkson University Honors Program on  “Honors as Third Space”Monday, May 3, 202110:00 AMAbstract: Honors education has been described as horizontal, experimental, integrative, and process-oriented. It is also frequently characterized by its allowances for […]

Honors Department Seminar

Graduate Students in Potsdam Undergrad Students

Aaron StollerFounding Director, Office of Academic Programs Director, First-Year ProgramAffiliate Faculty, Philosophy & Education Departments  Colorado College will speak as candidate for Director of the Clarkson University Honors Program on  “Critical inquiry: Changing the Way Students Relate to Knowledge in the Disciplines”Tuesday, May 4, 202110:00 AMAbstract: Traditional models of university teaching and learning are based on a longstanding

Online Webinar on the impact of the pandemic on incoming and current college student wellbeing and success

Graduate Students in Potsdam Undergrad Students

WEBINAR:  “The Pandemic’s Impacts on Student Needs and Preferences” presented by Dr. Rachel Tanner (EAB Global Research)WHERE: Tuesday May 4, 3:30pm Dr. Rachel Tanner of EAB Global Research will share the latest knowledge on the potential impacts of the pandemic on our incoming undergraduate class and our continuing students.  Looking at pre-COVID trends in behavior

Electrical & Computer Engineering Seminar

Graduate Students in Potsdam Undergrad Students

Dr. Sumit Paudyal, Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Florida International University Will present a talk entitled: “Efficient Distribution Grid Optimal Power Flow Methods in Aggregating Distributed and Flexible Loads for Grid Services” Abstract: One  of  the  major  challenges  in  current  distribution management system (DMS)  tools  is the  scalability  of  solution  algorithms  in  solving  distribution  optimal  power  flow  (DOPF)  model for large scale three‐phase unbalanced distribution grids. In distribution grid with active nodes, such as PV and

Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering Seminar

Graduate Students in Potsdam Undergrad Students

Dr. Harry Millwater Professor of Mechanical Engineering The University of Texas at San Antonio   Will present a talk titled: High Order Sensitivity And Uncertainty Analysis Using The Hypercomplex Finite Element Method Abstract: The use of hypercomplex variables and algebra within a finite element code provides a convenient method to obtain highly accurate, high order (1st through 5th) sensitivities

Honors Department Director Candidate & Clarkson University Seminar

All Announcements

Kate Krueger  Honors Department  University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign  will speak on  “Gendered Space and Queer Time in Victorian and Modernist Short Stories”  Abstract:  In my research, I aim to provoke discussion about the strategies of narrative construction, the revision of  spatial and temporal rhetoric, and the negotiations within the literary marketplace through which women 

Honors Department Seminar

Graduate Students in Potsdam Undergrad Students

Kate Krueger  Honors Department  University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign  will speak on  “Cultivating Excellence: On Equity, Engagement, and Innovation in Honors.” Abstract:  The Clarkson University Honors program has established a strong foundation in student research  and a vibrant community. If we want students to exemplify academic excellence, to be engaged in the  broader world, and

Mechanical and Aeronatical Engineering Seminar Today

Graduate Students in Potsdam Undergrad Students

Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering Seminar Dr. Stephanie C. TerMaath, PE*   Associate Professor and the Zeanah Faculty FellowUniversity of Tennessee, Knoxville in the Mechanical, Aerospace, and Biomedical Engineering DepartmentWill present a talk titled: A Distributed Dislocation Technique to Predict Fatigue Growth Rate of Kinked Microcracks and Cracks in Plates Abstract:  Prediction of fatigue crack growth

RAPS LIVE- Happening this Friday!

Graduate Students in Potsdam Undergrad Students

Friday, April 23rd the following RAPS presenters will be on campus to present their research. Oral presentations can be viewed by visiting one of two campus Zoom rooms (social distancing restrictions will be in place) or by registering through the rooms corresponding Zoom link.  SN177 Zoom Link – Register here to view the following environmental presentations 9:00 – Makena Guarnieri & Avery Paradis, “Clarkson’s

Electrical & Computer Engineering Seminar

Graduate Students in Potsdam Undergrad Students

Jonathan J. Wierer Jr., Lehigh University Center for Photonics and Nanoelectronics, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering Will present a talk entitled: “Researching Efficient InGaN LEDs for displays” Abstract: InGaN emitters have been used successfully in solid-state lighting. Interest has shifted to using them in emissive displays for emerging applications such as virtual/augmented reality viewers. Efficient

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