Ignite Speaker Series – November 10, 2020 2 PM
Learn about EO processes developed by Dr. Yang Yang and his research team, and how they have recently been validated in real environments at pilot scales.
Learn about EO processes developed by Dr. Yang Yang and his research team, and how they have recently been validated in real environments at pilot scales.
This week’s Speaker Series will introduce you to the plague of harmful algae blooms caused by microbial Cyanobacteria. Join us on Zoom to discover the causes for these blooms and the best solutions for protecting our waters.
In this week’s talk, Dr. Boolani will discuss feelings of energy and fatigue, and how predispositions to these moods manifest themselves uniquely in one’s gait and posture.
In this talk Dr. LaFay will discuss embedded physical therapy and telehealth and how these have led to creative and innovative solutions in this unprecedented time.
How has the pandemic changed our mental health perceptions and services? Dr. Graveline addresses this and more in this week’s Ignite Speaker Series.
Dr. Robert Thomas’ research promotes sustainable and resilient infrastructure through advancements in concrete materials. Join us through Zoom for this talk where he will discuss how the UN SDGs intersect with sustainable infrastructure and materials, identify major challenges faced by the next generation, and show how advances in concrete materials technology can help overcome those challenges.
How much we are really willing to pay for more resilient and sustainable electricity. Can a common energy vision be supported by the public, big energy interests, and governments? Join us on Zoom where Dr. Bird will examine these topics and share a glimpse of the potential future of the energy transition.